Evaluation of an engineered vascular graft exhibiting somatic growth in lambs to model repair of absent pulmonary artery branch - Communications Medicine
Syedain et al. evaluate growth of biologically-engineered grafts grown from donor ovine fibroblasts in a sacrificial fibrin gel implanted into the left pulmonary branch of 3-month old lambs. The grafts exhibit extensive site-appropriate recellularization and increase in diameter and length until the lambs reach adulthood.
Development of a modular, biocompatible thiolated gelatin microparticle platform for drug delivery and tissue engineering applications
Abstract. The field of biomaterials has advanced significantly in the past decade. With the growing need for high-throughput manufacturing and screening, the ne
Effect of Substrate Stiffness on Human Intestinal Enteroids Infectivity by Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli
Human intestinal enteroids (HIE) models have contributed significantly to our understanding of diarrheal diseases and other intestinal infections, but their routine culture conditions fail to mimic the mechanical environment of the native intestinal wall. Because the mechanical characteristics of th…
Tate Shannon
Rice University - Tissue Engineering - Regenerative Medicine - Cardiovascular Engineering