you made the sunshine (full poem)
The seas are measured by your greatness,
you made them burst forth from their womb.
Consuming deluge, deadly flooding,
the waves are stilled in awe of you.
And when the floods destroyed the world,
sin and death thought they had won!
But God held us above the water,
to see his rainbow in the sky!
You guide the lightning by your wisdom.
You make the seas and storms to cease!
So who am I Lord, to see your wonders?
Who am I to sing your praise?
I know my tears are so much smaller,
why should you, God, care at all?
Yet you keep a careful record:
my every sorrow in your scroll.
No other god cared to experience
what it's like to lose his friend.
But in our loss, Lord, your tears flowed with ours.
When Jesus wept, it was his plan.
You are compassion, enfleshed as human.
You made the dead to walk in life!
So who am I Lord, to see your wonders?
Who am I to sing your praise?
I was not there when the stars were forming,
They burn a thousand thousand years!
Yet their song is temporary,
They will not sing when their light fades.
I was not there when, on the sixth day,
eternal light was formed from dust!
I did not see God light the whole world
when he breathed life in-to us.
You gave the earth unseen foundations.
You made the sun and stars to shine!
So who am I Lord, to see your wonders?
Who am I to sing your praise?
A prodigal, I fled from Heaven,
I took your gifts and left your flock.
I knew your love, but chose to leave you
to hate and kill my fellow man.
But you our Father will never leave us,
you run to us when we’re far off!
You spread your arms out to embrace us,
and we nailed them to the cross.
My voice cries out among the mockers,
My sin flows down his pierced side!
So who am I Lord, to see your wonders?
Who am I to sing your praise?
I am a king with great dominion,
a powerful vassal of the Lord.
On earth I am his conquering image,
humbly serving the weak and poor.
My life is nothing, all things considered,
But it is all I have to give.
Yet even that came from my Father;
my life is glorious for it is His.
You made me breathe, and move, and fear You.
You are my source of life and love.
I am creation, made from my Father.
I sing his praise, for I am His.