Tate Shannon

Tate Shannon

you never know...

In the daily course of events, I see a lot

love to learn

I love my life. I can fill my brain with a million hyperlinks to a million-million other things makes every second an explosion of pleasure as all of creation converges on this single, present moment and I better understand my place in it.


Pray as if God works only in response to prayer.

drive to distraction

We live in a "time of distraction." I

choir memories

I loved all the messages I got after my last

life update

I have to admit: I'm a bit off

holy land V - church of the holy sepulcher

i'm back from vacation! I apologize in advance

toronto, ontario, canada

life update Hello to everyone! I just returned from a

independence day

I meant to publish this right after July 4th, but

my lab

Hello to all! I suppose this post is coming a