
you never know...

In the daily course of events, I see a lot

love to learn

I love my life. I can fill my brain with a million hyperlinks to a million-million other things makes every second an explosion of pleasure as all of creation converges on this single, present moment and I better understand my place in it.

drive to distraction

We live in a "time of distraction." I

how to judge a day

Wow! It's already Friday, and this is my

where to begin?

Do you ever have a word that's on the tip of your tongue, but you can't remember it? I had a word like that. I couldn't remember the word "quotidian" for about 5 years.

life, death, fear, and faith?

For a long time after that day, I just tried not to think about Heaven. It was little more than a small dread in the back of my mind. I couldn't help but think of my entrance into Heaven as the last day I got to do anything fun. (In fact, there are several country songs that corroborate my fear).

good friday

When the balance of mutual submission is broken, does that mean all bets are off and it's every man for himself? At that point, does anything go and the ends justify the means? Or shall we remain morally neutral and simply avoid the conflict altogether?

the tough one

To all my non-Texan friends: everything above is entirely true. We submit to no one. That's why it's so hard for me to read these Bible verses:

simplicity and solitude

As I slowly, slowly, slowly work through Foster's


Long story short, if I interrupt my consistent blog schedule, rest assured that I did it for a better cause!